...Day Rehab in Atlanta...




 Evan with his cousin's Cydney (left) and Aimee (right).



 Bea Bea and Evan at the Ronald McDonald House in Atlanta (left) and with therapist Angie at Day Rehab (right).



  Relaxing at R. M. House in Atlanta.                    Evan, Aunt Dee Dee, and Emily at Christmas. 



 Waiting for morning therapy at Day Rehab.         With his cousin, Ryan.



 Posing for a picture with occupational therapist, Julie (left) and physical therapist, Connie (right).



 Bea Bea, Evan, and the Redmon family.                A family photo outside the R. M. House in Atlanta. 



Our extended family outside the R. M. House.     Graduation photo with Melissa at Day Rehab.



  Whitney at Day Rehab.                                    Debbie (left) and Rosemary (right) at Day Rehab. 



 Collette (left) and Evette (right) at Day Rehab.    Evan dances with Loretta on his graduation day.

