...At therapy in Florence, SC...




        Evan is excited about his visits to therapy each week...      and excited about diving in the Smurf Balls!



       Speech Therapist, Ashley Ward.                                            ...During Occupational Therapy...



       Evan with his Occupational Therapist, Joyce Blackwell.      Evan's buddy, Thomas Marshall and his mother (right)



       Physical Therapist, Shannon Wyont and Thomas.                 Therapist, Tiffany (left) watches Evan on the treadmill.



       Shannon helps Evan and Thomas with coordination and balance by playing indoor baseball.



      Thomas playing indoor baseball...                                           Evan and Thomas play catch while standing on rocking boards.



      Part of therapy is working with weights in order to build strength and endurance.



      Evan is most likely negotiating a deal with Shannon!               (From left) Tiffany, Thomas, Shannon, and Evan. 

